Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Madness, sanity, concePts I've been questioning as of late. They seem to keep coming back at me. I woke up this morning from a dream. I remember that there was something in the dream that was so heartmendingly good, I had to share it with someone, anyone. I don't remember what it was. The problem with my dreams is that good ideas and new concepts sound cool when you just wake up, but when you review them later in the day, they rarely make any sense. I'm glad, because I have been posting straight from the heart lately. No holding back, or shadowing a differential side of me. Today was so miserable, and so freeing. I found a place where I wanted to be, forever. That's infeasible, but I wouldn't mind dying there. Oh! I remember now, death. Hm, death is a strange thing, I was always so afraid of it because I would think of all the things I would lose. The Irony is that when I finally came to accepting it, no, apparently I'm not allowed. Well, if I'm not going to die soon, I may as well never. That's impossible, but I'm pushing back the date as late as possible. If I have the strength to make it then. It's going to be bad before the end of the world. And I'm going to die crying. Tears that know no fear, or hate, they will bright stars for the future, and all the glory of everything that is to come.

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