Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First day of school; won't let them tear us apart by the sounds

Weird, I expected it to be exactly like all my other first days of school. I was excited for it even, I knew how to handle it, I finally figured it out. . . And then life decides, no, you don't get to be happy, or enjoy school, because then the universe would explode. So it sucked, yeah Pretty much all of it, well not all of it, a joke/messin with someone, that has been in the works since February finally came through today, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. And yeah, I guess I'm not getting help, for a while, my doctor doesn't take our insurance anymore, so now I have to find a different one. Hooray (sarcasm). Yeah, I'm into that again, sarcasm. And, school sucked, social life sucked, came home, and get what sucked. Yeah, I ride my bike to releive stress and depression nowadays, however, since no one is allowed to know about that whole depressed side of me, they don't realized how much I need these bike rides, and then are misunderstanding when I explode at them for oppressing my bike rideyness. Then they suck, and I do too for exploding like that. . . yeah, I need to find those friends again, considering that last batch I had of them graduated last year, or, like, moved. . . or both. And school doesn't start until 9 this week for me, which is good, and if I don't make it j to the political science class, I won't have a 1st period for the entire 1st semester, which I guess is cool, but then I might have to take gov and cit. Which would suck. K, I'm done for tonight. . . Good byetonight. . .

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    last night
    I read your
    post and
    I tried to
    post a comment.

    My internet
    was pree
    and you have
    no idea what kind
    of strength
    I was using to
    try and
    submit that
    dagnabbit comment.


    I had said
    post reminds me of
    my first day
    How I wanted
    it to be
    over with
    so I could
    go home to
    and die
    my sheets.

    Ah well.
    You go on
    and dream up

    That's what
    I said.
    But couldn't post.
    Because of
    faulty internet.

