Monday, August 8, 2011


That's my goal and that's what I am. My goal will always be better. Because that's what it's supposed to be. We got blessings today for Family Home Evening. We used to get them every year for going back to school, by this was the first time we were all together as a family in a long time. It will also probably be the last. My sisters' blessings were good, I k ow they'll do great this year without me and my older sister Jaimee. Mine said a lot of things I needed to hear. A lot. I wrote them down, but I'm making a special post for them. Some may ask why I would post these sacred things on a blog, but it's because this is for me, past and future. My goal is better, and when you're doing good, you tend to forget how it was bad and start taking it for granted, thus is when the Lord humbles you, it keeps the goal of getting better in your head. So, I put this up to stay humble, possibly, I'm still really bad at it. To remember my life, good times and bad, and to learn how I overcame muly afflictions, and temptations, to become the great man I know I will. I'm not afraid for this year, I k ow it will be great, that it can be great if I make it great. So I'm ready. For all of it, good and bad, because the bad is only to make good better. :)

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