Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I couldn't think of a title that didn't sound cheesy or pervertable

So, I figures admitting things always helps, and if I dont do it regularly I end uP havin a meltdown and releasing it all at once, so itmight nit be a long list but here we go:
1. I'm secretly super paranoid about what people think about me, I try to act like I don't and really respect people who dont but I can't seek to stop caring without giving up on a social life.
2. I have a lot of toothaches that are in fact cavities, im good with brushing my teeth now but that's only been since just last year. This explains my new hat for frosting
3. My family is extremely poor, this is why i don't get said cavities fixed, if I told my mom, she'd make me get them fixed and that would cost money nobody has.
4. I write a lot more cheesily then I talk. I think this way though, so I guess I'm just a dramatic thinker.
5.I love music, and therefore love to sing. I'm a terrible singer so my paranoia of people's judgment compels me to never sing, however I sometimes have to. These are times I go on bike rides in the middle of nowhere, or wait until no ones home and still turn up the music so the neighbors don't hear.
6. I have a lot of emotional problems over nothing really. I don't know, I thotht I knew why I was in pain, but then I found out I really don't know anything about it.
7. If inwasnt Mormon, I'd be a complete nihilist. Anyone who's wondering should just google it. I'm very extreme about a lot of things, but I am about my beliefs more than anything, because every decision in your life is decided be your beliefs so I think you'd better know what you believe better than anything else, otherwise how do you really know how you want to live your life?
9. I skipped #8
10. I think I'm funny.
11. I'm really not, nobody gets my jokes, it's probably just because I have a weird sense or humor, I'm just wondering how I got it.
12. If I wasn't Mormon I would go join a gang to learn how to lead a criminal organization, then I would go amass lots of money, and learn to invest it until I have billions of dollars, then buy a set of islands in south America and set up my military bases ther and proceed with world domination. I have thought this over extensively, it would be easier if I had any sort of super power. Like geass, in fact that would make it extremely easy. If I was nihilist then all that would matter is power, so get as much as I can. But I don't really believe that would make me happy, and it would self-destruct me and I couldn't make others happy.
13. I try to make everybody happy. I can't be happy unless everyone else is, this is why everything is my problem and I have to learn how to solve it.
14. I'm not accepting of everyone's beliefs, because I know mine is right, and I can't just sit there and accept that what they are doing is wrong, they just don't know it. I need to help them because I know whether I make it to the celestial kingdom or not, all those people I knew in life had a chance to make it as well and I couldn't bear it if I had a chance to help them and didnt because I was embarrassed or scared.
15. I once wrote a letter to a girl I liked, I realized while writing it that I didn't really like her the way I thought I did, so I didn't deliver it, I later found out that it actually would have been a cool thing to do. I was stupid.
16. I love eminems music.
17. I'm a nerd.
18. I hate 'atheists' because most of the time they are really jut agnostics or nihilists, they just like saying atheist.
19. I'm tired and going to bed, good night me :)

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