Sunday, July 31, 2011


I'm smart. I mean it. It's probably one of my o ly redeeming qualities. The problem is that I'm never smart in the right way. I may have a witty sense of humor, but that's only when I talk, and a lot of the times my jokes just go right over their heads, until I explain it. One example is a double date I went on with a couple of friends. Someone just said something a bout some guy named Craig, so I said, "Hey, doesn't he have a list?". Everyone was just quiet, so I followed with, "I'm just going ti wait for all of you to get that one.". Then went in for a drink of possibly soda, whilst partaking of said beverage, everybody got it at the same time, really it was weird, but hilarious.
There is a problem of being smart and it's that I constantly outsmart myself, that may sound confusing, but basically I just make a lot of stupid decisions because think how it's a good thing to do, and there's no opposition in my thougt train, so I just go along with it. It has caused many a problem. Also I'm definetely getting crazy. Like bipolar crazy again, I can feel it coming on right now and this is nothing like before, usually it's one mood for an hour, then the other for a hour, and nothing at all for 5hrs afterwards. I sucks, but this feels like it's coming in waves, up, down, elated, deflated, multiple times in a short span. Well, we'll see if I self destruct before tomorrow. . . With any luck, anything will happen.


  1. Maybe
    you feel your
    thoughts are
    because you
    never give them
    much thought, or any
    possible outcome.


  2. I never really give thought to my thoughts. . . And thanks for getting it
