Sunday, July 3, 2011

Going back and placing more peices down

So I deleted my last post, it was pretty much my story, the cause of my pain and why I suffer now, but I hated it, well Day Me hated it, he didn't like being exposed. I'm neither right now, this is rare and I mean extremely rare but right now I've named myself Twilight Me because I'm the balance between Day and Night. This is me at my best, happiest and brightest, although both Day Me and Night Me will say the same thing, but its okay, they don't understand how I work. Earlier when I said I'm like liquid being held in a jar/mask, Night Me later realized that it's more like me, the internal me is actually a Beast, a monster always trying to attack and hurt, these masks aren't jars, they're cages, holding back the Beast and hiding him from the world. Eventually, everyone who gets close enough meets this Beast. *removed because of added possible viewers*  ALA wasn't going anywhere and there want anything else to do there so I wanted to go to a public school, then I got kicked out of my dads house so I moved in with my mother in AF. I could have gone back at the end if the summer but my dad and stepmom hurt me too much for me to forgive them at that time. So I left, we stay in touch and I go visit them every few months but we all change so fast that in the year I spent mostly alone, the Beast went wild again, and I found that the Night mask hid him best and I didn't want anyone to see him again to that's how I stayed for a whole year. Then one day early on this school year I met a couple of girls in the library who were just as nerdy and random as me, I knew this was my
last chance for friendship this year so I pulled out the old Day mask and now he's a regular. I got more friends and my groups changed but at least I had people In my life again. But now I'm left mostly alone, all my friends graduated this year so I'm alone agin and I'm afraid I'll just slip on the old Night mask for good. I was talking to someone the other day who really helped me out a lot. I have hope again that maybe someone can tame the Beast. If not then I guess I'll just have to become stronger than it, I'm different, I'm not a mask or a cage, I'm something with the ability to turn my Beast into something better, but I'm made of glass so he's completely exposed, all can see and that scares me. Maybe one day I'll be a man, or something better, and be this person for good, because Twilight doesn't last forever.

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