Tuesday, July 26, 2011

☆〜(ゝ。∂)The Damned Beware

I've lost so much these past few days. Time, friends, respect, approval, money. . . But I know that for once it's not my fault. My time was stolen from me, my friends left me, my respect for them and theirs for me was never real, my approval of their lives and theirs of mine shouldn't have belonged, my mOney helped somebody that needs it. And because of this I am so happy. I feel like Job, I'm losing so much, and the potential to lose more is there, there's a good chance I'll lose my family, there's a good chance I'll even lose my sanity, but I know that there is nothing right now that I am doing ti deserve this. This is why I am so happy, it's hard to explain, and I know it's not being forced, I earned this happiness, it can't be taken away because it is true joy resonating from my soul. I don't care if I lose everything because I am good, I know who I am and what I am supposed to do and as long as I keep doing it I'll be the happiest man on earth. My whole life has been a trainwreck of failure, mine and others. But now I am fully realized, no one can hurt me more than they have, and I can't hurt myself because I know I am eternally loved, and now I only want others to know they are too. I dont know who reads this, or if anybody does, but know this, whoever you are, you have a Heavenly Father who loves you, and elder brother, a lord and saviour who lives you, and you have me, as well as others who truly love you and will do anything to let you have a chance at being eternally happy. Many will reject this glad message, and their pain will equal mine hereafter because I know how it feels to know you had a chance at being and doing the best and you failed. I don't want anybody to have to feel it, but I can't help everyone, I can't stoP the whole world from turning into a monster. But this won't stop me from helping those I can.

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