Monday, July 11, 2011


So, no really sure what to talk about so I'll just stRt with my day. I was ordained 2nd assistant in my priests quorum, even though I'm only here for a month, but by the sounds of it we'll be doing a lot of recruiting and getting people to come to church. When being ordained we all had really cool blessings. One kid, who was going into the teachers quorum,'s father died when he was a little, he had been told that both his heavenly father and earthly father were both proud of him and his decisions in life. Mine said that I will have a great opportunity to do good while serving in this calling(for one month) and that I will be blessed with the righteous desires of my heart. That part really stuck out to me because I have been asking for a lot of various things lately and it really made me think what was and wasn't a righteous desire. None of them are bad, but that doesn't nessecarily mean they're righteous. I think I will have a chance to bring others to the gospel, this has been one of the major things I have been asking for, mainly just an opportunity to make others happy, and there is truly no better way then by showing them the love of Christ. So I'm nit sure who's reading this, I guess like ten people have viewed it, I think one was from Germany, he was probably disappointed to see the lack of laderhosen in my posts, but seriously, I don't really care who sees. This is mainly so I can look back and see how I have progressed, and o have progressed, I have become so much better since I got here, and I had a crappy week but thTs just because I didn't take a day off and got no sleep whatsoever. . . Except fir today when I slept all day, so now I'm good. Ready to take on the week, which I am and am not looking forward to tomorrow because I got invited to go to village inn with Ryan and his weirdo friends. . . I actually haven't met any if them but I saw them and they don look like the friendliest bunch, also Ryan isn't showing uP until 15 min after everybody else, so I have to spend that time bonding with these weirdos. . . THE END

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