Saturday, July 2, 2011

First post. Weird, I guess Night Me is fnally back after being suffocated by the never-ending day here in Alaska. It's summer and the sun sets at 11, it never gets night here but after going so long as Day Me, Night burst forth with overwhelming pain, sadness and hate. It's sad that I love it so because Day Me doesn't care, he forgives and he forgets. I think repression but he thinks it's a gift, he'll never learn, he's content, he forgets pain, beauty, love, hate, and sorrow. That's what I'm all about. I see beauty, I feel pain, I love so much, I hate, and my existence is drowned in sorrow. I am a mask. I'm one outward appearance of me inside. My true self is liquid, always swaying about, so random and inable to keep my form, so I have to always wear these masks. In fact they're mor like jars, temporarily holding me so I can interact with someone and they can understand me, but they see the shape of the jar, the mask and they learn to know me for that mask, it's that mask they like, or hate. Day Me, Night Me, they're just masks, two of my most common shapes. But they are so different. If you know Day Me then you probably think I'm random, annoying, obedient, and maybe even funny. If you know Night Me, and few do, Then I'm always in pain, or love, I'm deep, always trying to discover myself inside. My family knows Day Me, they don't understand Night Me so I've hidden myself from them. My friends know Day Me. I have problems, lots of them, I have friends who have problems. My new friends do, the ones I made this school year, my old friends have problems but I've figured them out, and I'm the only one who isn't an idiot and Understands what they're going through. The problem is, my problems are different, unique as far as I can tell. People will think my problems are nothing, an overreaction or just me being a wuss. Im not and I don't expect people who haven't gone through slow, mental abuse to understand how it rips you into pieces. First, you have to know that I only want people to be happy. I wish everyone could just be happy because when anyone else feels pain, I feel it too, I'm extremely empathetic and I hate it because I'm always in the middle, I dint want to displease anyone, it hurts too much.

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