Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ink Blot Fwd:ish; 4 Songs & a Fight by the Sounds

So, my friend Angela did this Ink Blot story thing on her blog.  And me being the poser I am decided to copy her. . . with the exact same ink blot too.  And I had to wait forever because to get the picture of the ink blot I needed to use the computer, and that takes skill. . . acquiring the computer. . . not stealing. . . that's easy. . . ask my lawyer.  So here it is:

There was once a little princess.  She grew up in a castle with a large kingdom, but everybody was always sad.  The princess was too young to know why, but as she grew up she realized it was because the entire world was full of bad people and bad things.  It seemed no one could make it better.  She had to help them, but she didn't know how.  She met a lot of good people, happy people that made her wonder how they were able to be happy when so many others weren't.  Then she started to ask, "If they're so happy, why won't they make others happy?"  It took a while but the princess came to the realization that they didn't want to make everybody happy, they were content with themselves.  This distraught her and she couldn't find relief.  So she left.  She found an absolute that she could hold onto, one that welcomed her with open arms.  She didn't go running into its arms, she let it take her.  The princess then left the whole world behind, she left her kingdom behind, and she left herself behind.  This princess had her mind taken to a place worth living in.  One no one could ruin, but didn't exist.


  1. Sometimes, reality can be that place. You just have to look for the right things. The princess should have fixed her own loneliness...you can't handle others until you feel complete yourself.

  2. Maybe this says too much about me, but the difference I s I have learned how to help people, and that's all I really want to do. So I won't go mad, that was the ending.
