Tuesday, October 18, 2011

15 things I absolutely love (and do not hate at all)

So apparently some people think I hate everything, which is not true, im just usually grasping for straws trying to come up with good conversation. . . Well, here it is, in no particular order:

1. Riding bikes through. . . everywhere and anywhere
2. The color Red
3. Reading (I only hate some books, I love reading itself)
4. Music
5. Rain
6. My religion- this extends to all facets of it, as my list would be infinitely long if I wrote every part of it I love, this also extends to everybody associated with it. ie. deity, prophets, etc.
7. Blogs
8. Good humor
9. Mall pretzels, from: Pretzel Time, Pretzel Maker, etc.
10. . . . (ellipses)
11. Beautiful things (true beauty, ie. this pond in Alaska, musical beauty, etc.)
12. My little sister Addison, and my little brothers, (they are the only people I love that I do not, nor have ever hated, or resented in even the most minuscule way)
13. My cool jackets
14. Helping people, even though I'm a door mat, I don't regret it, when people take advantage of me, that's their problem, I'm perfectly happy giving them whatever they need. My one redeeming quality.
15. The Nightmare Before Christmas, (this has been my favorite. Movie since June 1994, it came out on VHS quite shortly after my birth, and I have evidence of me watching it then, I don't want to sound hipster but I did like it way before it became a mild-goth/emo style icon)