Monday, December 19, 2011

I think literary genius is very much not one of the things I was made for, which really sucks because it just sits there taunting me.
Brain: "hey, Alex, I've got a really good idea"
Me: "oh yeah, what is it?"
Brain: "I forgot"
Brain: "I don't feel like telling you right now."
Brain: "okay I'll tell you, but I'm not going to make it sound coherent."

And then I try making coherency out of whatever shredded soggy piece of paper I have that was once a good idea. So, yeah, I'm gonna say I'm more of the guy that just tells people good ideas, but has no ability to do anything with them at all. . . And if you ever need a kick a idea, I'm right here. . . Well except for now, right now I'm on emergency vacation. Have fun!

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