Friday, January 4, 2013

Post Title

There's never a point where you move on.  It seems there's just a general progression to wherever you intend.  I don't know if anyone's followed through this that I've gone through but I'm not sure where now I've ended up.  I once knew a person who claimed to not want to be "used" by anyone, even accused me of using this person.  I felt guilty at first, and then confused, after all, how could I not use this person?  I mean, what is "using" here?  I would think it would be to interact with said person on a such a level as to accomplish some sort of goal or complete a task with this person.  In which case I'm not entirely sure is at all avoidable.  I think the question here is more about our effect on another person rather than the act of "using".  If I think you're cute and flirt with you, without obvious sinister or harmful intention, is there wrong?  If you're effected negatively, am I still responsible?  I don't have a solid answer for this yet, I think it would depend on situation.  But if situations of "using" without consent of the parties "used" and without malicious intent of the parties "using" do arise, communication is the best option as always.  Any harm or awkwardness in situations such as these have always been caused by a lack of understanding with one or both of the parties.  Communication, in this situation, can require a bit of courage, I can't deny that.  But then, without the proper attempts at reconciliation, can anyone be held to blame but the person who refuses to communicate?  I don't discuss these things to levy out blame on anyone.  I just want to discover what I need to change in myself, I can't stand the guilt I have over everything, and it seems like every time I overcome something, I find something else wrong.  Change is hard, giving up things is hard.  And I don't know if I can do it, but I know I have to try, for more than myself.  For less than myself really. -_-